Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jesus Film

About once a month to once every 6 weeks we show the Jesus Film in a new area of Belen as an Evangelism method. Last night we had the chance to show the movie in the Plaza of Belen, which is a very central area of this part of the city. During the day we passed out 500 invitations to the areas surrounding the Plaza, and we told as many people as we could about the movie that night.

One of the great things about the Jesus Film for this culture is that if there is going to be any sort of movie shown on a big screen for FREE, people will generally come if they can.

We invited our Belen church to come out and help us and support us for the night. One of the most beautiful parts of the night for me was that most of our congregation came out to help! It was great to see them so eager and excited to help. Many of them had also become saved through a previous showing of a Jesus Film. We also had a few members from our Mother Church come to help. The support was really great.

In all we had about 150 people come to watch the Film. They sat quietly and intently throughout the whole film. Usually there are interruptions with kids running around or drunk guys walking through and being loud, or any number of other things. But there were no interruptions last night.

At the end of the film our Superintendent gave an invitation to the crowd to accept Christ as their Savior. 4 Men came up to the Pastor and prayed with them. We noticed 2 other men and 1 woman praying from where they were sitting. It is very rare for us to have so many men make this decision. We were able to get the names and addresses of these 7 people and will be visiting them in the coming days, hopefully to be able to continue to visit with them and share more of Christ's love and the plan that God has for their life.

It was a beautiful night. Pray for these 7 people who came to Christ last night, that God would continue to work in their lives, and that they would be open to us as we go out to visit them and share more.

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